
                        lanceolata F₁
Better than Ever!

                        lanceolata F₁
Pentas lanceolata F₁

Graffiti® Violet

Item no.: PL0421P

The Unbeatable Series on the Market!

  • Graffiti® OG and Graffiti® 20/20 become Graffiti®
  • Profit from the widest range of colors in a Pentas series:
    15 intense colors & 2 mixes to choose from!
  • Uniformity in height and flower timing
  • Excellent heat tolerance and garden performance
  • First bicolor tones in seed Pentas


Technical Guide: Click here

All information in our technical guide is based on our own trials and would therefore be as guideline only. Detailed cultivation aspects vary depending on climate, location, time of year and environmental conditions. Benary expressly disclaims any responsibility for the content of such data/information and makes no representation or warranty for the cultivation of any products listed. It is recommended that growers conduct a trial of products under their own conditions.

Crop Time
Spring: 13 - 16 weeks
Height ∅
12 ″ / 30 cm
Width ∅
11 ″ / 28 cm
Seed Form
Pelleted Seed
Best Uses
Bedding, Landscape, Pot Plant

Culture guide


Pots, Mixed Containers and Landscape

Sow time


Sowing method

1 pellet per plug. No cover is necessary.


Maintain optimal conditions for seedling development beginning on the day of sowing until radical emergence. Expect radical emergence in 7-10 days. Humidity should be between 95-100% until day 10; then reduce to 40-60%.

Growing on

Day neutral plant, will flower regardless of day length. Very responsive to irradiance and additional lighting. Providing a 14-16 hrs. day length, especially in the seedling stages, will shorten the crop significantly. In addition, growing at warmer temperatures will shorten the crop time.


Plug culture: pH 6.2-6.5 Starting with the proper pH of the media will improve the performance of the seedlings. Pentas can exhibit iron toxicity at lower pH levels, below 5.5. EC < 0.5. Begin with a saturated (5) for the first 10 days. On day 11 begin to lower the moisture slightly going to a medium (4). Maintain a consistent moisture level without over saturating the media.

Growing on: pH 6.2-6.5 continue to monitor the pH to make sure that it stays above 6.0. EC 1.0-1.2. Alternate between moisture levels wet (4) and medium (2.


23-26 °C. Once germination is completed with fully expanded cotyledons, on day 14 the temperature can be lowered slightly to 18-20 °C during nights and 22-23 °C during days. Water trays using tempered water with a minimum temperature of 18 °C. Warmer temperatures will benefit and shorten the finish time.


Maintain an EC < 0.75. At this stage fertilized water should not exceed an EC of 0.5. Begin feeding on day 10 with 50 ppm 14-2-14, 14-4-14 or 17-5-17. After transplanting, under low light conditions fertilize with a 14-4-14 fertilizer at 100-150 ppm and under high light conditions use a 17-5-17 fertilizer at 100-150 ppm. Watch for calcium and magnesium deficiencies which can cause stunted plants.


Graffiti® is the earliest, most uniform and compact Pentas series on the market. It has the broadest color range and garden performance that lives up to the Graffiti® brand name growers and landscapers trust.

Stage I Starts with the radicle breaking through the testa. The roots are touching the medium. Ends with fully developed cotyledons.
Stage II Starts from fully developed cotyledons. Ends with the fully developed true leaf or true leaf pair.
Stage III Starts from the fully developed true leaf or true leaf pair and ends with 80% of the young plants being marketable.
Stage IV All young plants are ready for sale and in the process of being hardened off. This stage lasts about 7 days.

The cultural recommendations are based on results from trials conducted under Central European conditions. Different conditions in other parts of the world may lead to deviations in results achieved.

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