Funky® - The perfect plant for generation "Y"
Funky® Pink – Benary’s new compact semi-trailing interspecific begonia - will be introduced by Benary in 2016 to the professional horticulture industry. The breeding idea behind this new begonia was to create a novelty begonia type from seed that forms nice baskets but also is easy to ship and can be transported without damage to the plants. Funky® Pink is the outcome to those requirements set by Benary breeding.

Funky® – The perfect Plant for Generation "Y"
The name Funky® and its hilarious look describe perfectly who is supposed to be attracted in the home gardeners’ world. Since Begonias have an outstanding reputation in the bedding plant market, it is mostly the mid-agers (40 to 50 years) and young seniors (from 50 years up) who enjoy begonias in their garden. Funky® Pink is a cool and spacy outdoor mate and meant to attract also the younger generation of home gardeners (25 to 40 years).
Funky® – An easy to grow beauty
Funky® Pink is the first colour of this compact semi-trailing interspecific begonia. More colours are in the pipeline for the coming years. Funky® Pink stands out due to high seed quality, reliable high germination rates and uniform young plant development. A definite plus for young plant producers. Growers will be convinced of the excellent branching that ensures early covering of the pots. Funky® Pink is easy to grow and ship
Attractive large double flowers catch the end-consumer’s eye at retail. Funky® Pink is a great garden performer. It flowers all summer long until frost. And as a goody it does not only form nice habits in hanging baskets and containers, it also looks amazing as a vigorous bedding plant as well.
Mixed Combos are becoming more and more popular
Mixed combos of Funky® Pink with Benary’s renowned Nonstop series, the newly introduced Nonstop Joy® – also a semi-trailing Begonia – or Begonia boliviensis Santa Cruz and San Francisco, or BIG begonias as well create an even better show! Funky® Pink – as all the other mentioned begonias from Benary - withstands full sun and is easy to take care of. With its abundance of colour it lightens up shady places.
Funky® Pink – Available at Retail in 2017
Funky® Pink will be available at retail in the 2017 season. Lawn professionals will love to use them in mixed containers and impressive baskets for showy presentations. End-consumers will love them for masses of pink double flowers during the entire garden season.